H.H. Bhakti Vinoda Swami is the Director of Academia TURIYA, a unique educational initiative of ISKCON Coimbatore that catapults people to the apex of the pyramid of human knowledge – self-actualization. It comes as a solution to the otherwise humdrum “Cloning-of-intelligent-minds-in-the-educational-factories” system led by the corporate cultures of today.
A class apart from market-driven personality development initiatives, the Academy’s sessions go beyond superficial adjustments to a person’s external attributes by careful honing of the spiritual intellect.
In addition to scheduled events at the Academy campus, specialized workshops are regularly conducted for schools, engineering, science & medical colleges, as well as corporates. Edification programs are held at IITs, NITs, top B-schools and research institutions in other parts of our nation as well.
At Academia TURIYA, illuminations from the ancient Indian tradition are brought forward in a modern context and facilitate the self-driven, intelligent and proactive individuals bring about a change from within. The academy also focuses on creating awareness amongst students and the public in general about adopting spiritual solutions to the pressing material problems of today by organising theme-based conferences and seminars on a broad spectrum of social issues.
With a proactive use of art, music and media, qualified and expertly trained facilitators make learning a lively experience in an interactive student-friendly template.
Gita Life
Gita Life is an express study of the overview of the Bhagavad Gita’s fundamentals to assist working professionals and students who have the inclination but lack the time to undertake an elaborate study of the Bhagavad Gita. The course is presented by H.H. Bhakti Vinoda Swami and his team. It is an innovative interactive course, designed to systematically impart the evergreen principles of life drawn from traditional Vedic literature like the Bhagavad Gita, in a postmodern perspective.